What to Do During Your First Weeks of Eating Keto Meals

Eating Keto MealsThere are many things to keep in mind if you are going to take part in the ketosis diet. All of the keto meals should include a balance of certain things in order to make this diet as successful as possible for you.

The goal in the diet is to get into ketosis, which is when you will burn fat and lose weight. Here are some key things to incorporate in your meals to burn as much fat as possible.


Simple Things You Can Do to Make Your Keto Meals More Successful

Monitor Your Carbs Closely

Monitoring the carbs in your meals closely is an important step to getting into ketosis. Try to consume less than 20 grams net carbs every single day for the most success. Simply subtract the fiber grams from the total grams of carbs per day to find the net carbs total.

Even foods like garlic, onions, kale, and tomatoes have carbs in them, so everything must be calculated together in the grand total of carbs. This step in planning your daily keto meals cannot be stressed more because if you fail to do this part correctly, you will fail to reach ketosis, which is the entire point of the diet.

Indulge in Ketostix

Ketostix will be your new best friend on this diet. Use your ketostix throughout the day to determine when you have reached ketosis. This is a great motivation factor as you indulge in your keto meals because it will give you sure evidence that all of the work you are putting into your food and planning is actually working.

Ketostix are not expensive and are easy to find, so be sure to stock up. You can even cut the strips in half and get double the amount with the same results from the strips.

Eat Plenty of Salt in Your Meals

It may sound hard to believe, but eating enough salt in your meals is very important in the keto diet. This is because it is a low carb diet. Well, it is an extremely low carb diet, meaning your body will not retain water like it does when you fill up on carbs. That being said, you will lose important electrolytes and sodium without those carbs.

It is important to refuel those salts because it can lead to many health issues. Without salt in your body, you can have panic attacks, heart palpitations, and other issues like that.

We know, it is crazy that any diet is actually encouraging you to eat more salt, but that is the beauty of the keto diet. Avoid these things from happening by strongly seasoning your meals with plenty of salt!

Consume a Great Deal of Water With Your Meals

Consuming enough water on this diet is just as important as eating plenty of salt. You should be drinking up at least 100 ounces of water each day. This is especially important whenever you first start the diet and are on your first few weeks of meals.

If you are one of those people who just cannot imagine drinking that much water, every single day, just remember in order to reach ketosis, you have to drink plenty of H20.

Drinking this much water can help you avoid symptoms like headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and become irritable during the first few weeks. The meals and the entire diet is not only effective, but it is highly doable. However, that does not mean it is going to be easy.

You should be prepared for a hard start in the first few weeks, especially if you were previously consuming a carbohydrate-heavy diet. Your body will have to adjust to all of the changes taking place in your daily meals.

Have the Perfect Balance of Low Carbs, High Fat, and Moderate Amount of Protein

Consuming the right amount of carbs, fat, and protein is the formula to the keto diet. You should be eating a very low amount of carbohydrates, a high amount of fat, and a moderate amount of protein in your meals.

Along with these rules, you should also be incorporating all of the points mentioned above in this article. Skipping any of these points or steps will likely knock you out of ketosis and your results will not be as good as they could be.

Follow the Rules, but Take the First Few Weeks Easily

Eating Keto Meals2It is, of course, important to strictly follow the rules we talked about above to reach ketosis. However, during the first few weeks, remember that your body is getting used to a ton of new things and a lot of changes.

To make things simple and smooth for you, do not put too much pressure on yourself in the beginning of the diet. Ketosis is a process, so allow your body to get used to it. Do not plan obsessively and cause yourself to panic or become overwhelmed with the meal plans. Take it one day at a time and do the best that you possibly can.

If you become panicked or stressed, you will not be able to get into ketosis, so stay calm, simplify the beginning stages of the diet, and you will be a pro at all of the steps in no time at all.

Ready to Start Meal Planning?

Now that you have all of the key steps and tips you need in order to make this diet as successful as possible, you are ready to begin the meal-planning process.

Make this part of the diet fun and exciting. You get to plan out what you will eat for the next week, while remembering the simple additions to your diet, like consuming enough salt and water on a daily basis.

Ketosis meals are healthy and nutritious, and they just limit a few basic things like carbs. Become the healthiest you possible by trying out the keto diet, and your life will be changed forever, both physically and mentally.